Blog And Articles



After reading my Google alerts for Animal Law Issues today, I decided to write this week’s blog on the Consequences of Kneejerk Reactions to animals or their protectors behavior.  I am only covering three here today. (I could cover ten!)They are:...

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Dog Days of Summer

Dog Days of Summer

As I sit here on my porch after a summer thunderstorm, surrounded by my dogs, my thoughts turn to the dog days of summer and how my practice, of providing alternative conflict resolution for people in conflict over animals, picks up during this time of year.  As...

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Ask…then Listen.

Ask…then Listen.

Today was a very special day for me. I conducted a mediation I had worked on with my Mastermind Group the week before.  I brought it to my Mastermind Group in order to get a better handle on my own emotions and better serve the clients in this mediation.Let me...

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One Nation Under Dog

One Nation Under Dog

This is the title of a new HBOseries about a dog’s place in our life.It covered puppy mills, rescue organizations, individual owners of vicious dogs and euthanasia.Initially, I was not sure I wanted to watch the program.  After years of raising Irish Setters and...

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Business as Usual

Business as Usual

In my world, ‘Business as Usual’ is why I am in business.  People don’t address small issues when they arise, they just go along,  ‘Business as Usual’ until a little disagreement becomes too big to handle alone.  I’m called in to bridge the conflict and...

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Scheduling SNAFU? – Look to Transpetation!If you have a pet, chances are it will need to go to the vet, groomer, kennel or trainer sometime soon and that ‘time’ may not be one conducive to anyone in the family’s schedule.  Conflicts can arise while discussing...

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Alphabetical Order

Alphabetical Order

In my mediation practice I am often asked the following question. Should you mediate first or start litigation proceedings and then mediate?It is an interesting question because there are many ways to answer it. People sometimes feel if they ask to mediate first it...

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For years I practiced in the litigation arena.  It never ceased to amaze me how many people wrote unenforceable contracts or never read the contracts they signed.A Contract, as defined by The American Heritage Dictionary, is an agreement between two or more...

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Know thy Self

This past weekend I was emersed in the exploration of "Knowing thy Self".  Our very well respected collaborative colleague, Susan Gamache, arrived in NYC at Eisner Amper for a daylong adventure in the examination of how you respond to conflict.  It was...

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My New Philosophy!

My New Philosophy!

In 1999, my family went to see You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown on Broadway for my youngest son, Thomas’ 6th birthday.  Little did I know, 13 years later, a song from the show would be the subject of a blog post on my website.The words to the song sung by Sally,...

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The Homecoming

The Homecoming

In Saturdays 3/10/12 New York Post there was an article entitled "Ex-Marine's dog of war" It outlined the fight an Ex Marine, Megan Leavey, was waging with the Armed Forces to bring Rex, the dog she handled on 100 missions as a bomb sniffing expert while on tour in...

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