Workshops and Seminars

MAAP PLAN VIRTUAL WORKSHOP 2024 (August 9-10, 2024)

This comprehensive program offers a simple, efficient, and affordable way to create both short and long-term care plans for your beloved pets. Through our focused modules you’ll learn everything from appointing caregivers to addressing your pet’s unique needs.

Don’t leave your pet’s future to chance – join us for expert guidance, personalized support, and peace of mind. Sign up now to ensure your pet’s well-being, no matter what life brings! Sign up today!

Workshop and Seminar Topics

Weeding the Garden

4 Critical Steps To Keep Your Practice Profitable and Your Life Enjoyable

Evaluate and Examine current best practices in business and client relationships

Barking Up The Right Tree

3 Peaceful Ways to End Destructive Conversations About Animals

One-day Conflict Conversation Workshop (1/2 day workshops are available upon request)

MAAPing The Journey Your Pet
Takes When You Can’t
Care For Them Yourself

Continuity of Care Workshop
“I’m Not Dead Yet”

Vetting the Conflict

6 Tips to Address Disagreements and Make Every Client a Raving Fan

Evaluate and Examine current best practices in a veterinary business and client relationships

16 Hour Pet Professional Practice Upgrade Program

for Vets and all Animal Service Providers

Individualized Implementation and Evaluation of current best practices and client relationships

3 Critical Mistakes Breeders/Handlers & Owners

Make That Nullify Their Contracts

Contract Workshop

Please contact Debra directly to schedule a get acquainted call
prior to scheduling your workshop or seminar.

Debra's Professional Affiliations and Memberships

As a special “Thank You" for registering for the webinar, I’d like to give you a copy of my “Prepare For Your Pet’s Care” ebook!

This is the information you need to start thinking about so that you can effectively create both short and long-term care plans for your beloved fur babies! Simply add your name and best email into the form below!

Be sure to click the confirmation link in the email you'll be receiving in a few minutes so that we can send your gift to you!

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