I’m so glad you made it here!! It tells me just how serious you are about the well-being of your pets! And that means the world to me!
I’ve Got Something Really Special To Share With You …
Deep down in your heart, you KNOW that you need to get your MAAP done so that your pets will be cared for if you can’t care for them yourself, but you would really like to have some help and guidance along the way to ensure you don’t miss anything that’s REALLY important!
You’re not alone, just about everyone I speak with feels exactly the same way!
My private clients regularly invest $500 an hour to work with me one-on-one to get their MAAP created. But today you can get access to a step-by-step, take-you-by-the-hand, series of videos and templates I created just to help folks like you for a lot less than my regular fee, and I really do mean A LOT less (we’re talking about almost 90%)!!
The videos and templates are designed to help you put a comprehensive MAAP plan together as simply and efficiently as possible. We leave no stone un-turned!!
Let me take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through:
VIDEO 1 – Thinking about the “who’s, what’s and why’s” needed to create a MAPP plan that works for everyone, including your pet.
TEMPLATE 1 – Is an “Overall Pet Care Plan Information Sheet” that covers both your pet’s short term and long term care should something happen to you.
VIDEO 2 – Appointing a caregiver for your pet. It’s really not as easy as you would think! This video helps you get the clarity you need to make the best decisions possible for the appointed caregiver and your pet!
TEMPLATE 2 – Is the “Individual Pet Caregiver Information Sheet” that contains all of the caregivers’ information as well as your pet’s.
VIDEO 3 – Addressing the needs of your pet. This is a CRITICAL piece that goes way beyond the basics of food, water and a dry bed!
TEMPLATE 3 – Is the “Individual Pet Information Sheet” that contains of your pet’s characteristics and preferences.
VIDEO 4 – Publishing your MAAP plan. You have got to get your MAAP plan out of your head, out of your file cabinet, out of your safety deposit box and into the hands of the people who are going to help you. Otherwise all of your strategic planning and good intentions are for nothing!
TEMPLATE 4 – Reviews where and how to publish your pet care directives.
As I mentioned earlier, my private clients invest $500 an hour to have me help them create their MAAP plan.
But since you’re “brand new to the MAAP Community”… If you buy from this page, you can access the videos and templates in the next few minutes as our “welcome gift” for just $47 (that’s more than a 90% savings to help you get started right!)
This ‘welcome gift’ special pricing is only available while you are on this page, so don’t miss out…