The MAAP Plan was created by Debra Hamilton, Esq. of Hamilton Law and Mediation and the founder of the MAAP Community

The Four Steps You Need To Take To Help Plan For Your Pet’s Care



Make a plan for the care of your pet(s) and write it down.  Make sure it plans for death AND disability, divorce, dementia, disaster, delay, divorce, deployment, documentation and disease. Help the people you have spoken to about caring for your pet know what they are supposed to do.


When you are making a plan for your pet, the key piece of information is sharing what your pet needs. Each individual pet is different. Your appointed caregivers will be so grateful if you have a short-list to share with them that addresses all the needs of the pets they have said they will care for.



In order for the person you appoint  to actually care for your pet, their position needs to be memorialized in writing.  You need to have the names of people to call, if something were to happen to you. No one ever thinks they’ll be involved in an accident, get sick or predecease their pet. It happens and your pets are counting on you to pre-pave and pre-plan for their safe passage.



This is the most important piece of the MAAP Plan. Unless you publish this plan with everyone who is appointed to care for your pets, as well as everyone in your life who is aware of your pets and who can facilitate the safe transition of your pets to the appointed caregivers, the MAAP plan will not work. Your plan has to be published with your attorney, your veterinarian, your husband/wife, your children and the appointed caregivers.  Together they will appropriately care for your pets. It takes a village.



Studies show patients with pets heal faster if their pets are by their side. Even stroke and memory care units find that patients react to and can remember pets. Cancer commercials show cancer care at home being enhanced by our pets, our beloved companions.  What isn’t shown is the time and effort it takes to plan for the future care of your pet to assure they will be cared for while you recuperate/rehabilitate or find a new home if you will not be able to care for them again.

Wishing you success as you pre-pave a safe transition for your pets.


The MAAP Community is one of the most supportive and educational platforms a pet owner can belong to. Every first and third Wednesday of the month we get together on Zoom and talk about topics relevant to pet owners; like new legislation coming down the pike, divorcing with pets, breeder/handler issues, pet health and well-being, any challenges our members might be having and of course the basics of making a MAAP Pet Care Plan for your pet(s). It’s a phenomenal experience!

We’d love to have you join us! The BEST part, it’s FREE! You just need to provide us with your email to get the Zoom link sent to you. You can learn more and register right here:

As a special “Thank You" for registering for the webinar, I’d like to give you a copy of my “Prepare For Your Pet’s Care” ebook!

This is the information you need to start thinking about so that you can effectively create both short and long-term care plans for your beloved fur babies! Simply add your name and best email into the form below!

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