Ultimate Pet Resolution Summit Series

The Ultimate Pet Resolution Summit I 

I have brought these together 6 Experts in the fields of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Animal Law and the Animal World to share their thoughts on the application of Mediation, Collaborative Law and Arbitration to conflicts between people about animals in Divorce, Special Needs Pets & ADA, Neighbor, Civil and Landlord/Tenant disputes and share their top strategies on using these methods of dispute resolution in a powerful way to resolve these conflicts.

  • Debra Hamilton –Your Host and Final Speaker
  • Ledy Van Kavage – General Counsel Best Friends
  • Cissy Stamm – ADA Expert-Special Needs Assistance pets
  • Brad Heckman – Director- New York Peace Institute
  • Jack Himmelstein – Co-Founder 0f Center for Understanding in Conflict
  • Lela Love – Director Kulkin Institute for ADR-Cardozo Law School
  • David Frei – The Voice of The Westminster Kennel Club, National Dog Show & The AKC Classic Dog Show

The speakers are enthusiastic at the prospect of applying a practice, they have used for years in other venues with great success, to the emotionally charged venue of conflicts involving animals.  They have a dialogue around how they see ADR helping people and animals thrive after it is applied to these serious conflicts.

The Ultimate Pet Resolution Summit I Series is available for just $49.97

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The Ultimate Pet Resolution Summit II

12 Expert Speakers

Debra Vey Voda-Hamilton has done it again.  As the pioneer and trailblazer in the field of alternative dispute resolution in conflicts between people about animals, Debra, again brings wonderful guests together to talk about situations where an alternative to litigation would be welcomed!  These 30 minute recordings are easy to follow, interview style programs which gives maximum information in a short amount of time.  PLUS receive 3 TAKE AWAY POINTS to help you apply the concepts you learned in the days program.

Our guests include:

Judith Adams – Trainer and Human Animal Bond Specialist

Judith Adams is a highly respected Clinical Animal Behaviorist and Animal Welfare advocate. She has been published in Veterinary Journals in the UK & USA. You can read about what Judith does at her website www.wellbehave.com

Gary Norman – Attorney and ADA Advocate For Service Dogs

Gary Norman is a policy/disability attorney and mediator licensed to practice in Ohio and Maryland.  He works tirelessly on behalf of the disabled and seeks to leverage the tools and benefits of ADR to resolve conflicts between able and disabled. He recently wrote Dispute Thy Neighbor – Hire A Mediator in the Virginia Maryland Dog Magazine.  You can reach Gary at www.gnormanlaw.com.

Diederik Gelderman – Veterinarian and Business Guru

Diederik Gelderman is a respected veterinarian/business guru and speaker who hails from Australia.  He has taken his ability to build a successful solo practice back to the profession.  You can find out all about him at www.turbochargeyourpractice.com. Diederik shares some of his proven methods on handling conflict for the listener to use the same strategies.

James Gesualdi – Animal Welfare Act Proponent and Excellence Beyond Compliance Author

Jim Gesauldi is an internationally recognized expert on endangered species and the Animal Welfare Act (AWA).  He currently awaits the release of his new book Excellence Beyond Compliance. We will discuss how ADR might help interpret the AWA in a way that will benefit the animals and have parties not only comply with the law but choose to go beyond compliance.

Laurel Rabschutz – UConn Instructor in Human Animal Bond Studies

Laurel is an instructor and administrator at the prestigious University of Connecticut at Storrs.  She teaches several Human Animal Bond courses to students raising their awareness of the beneficial and dynamic relationship that occurs between people and non-human animals.  She also has trained therapy dogs and participates in canine musical freestyle dancing.

John Fiske – Divorce Mediator and Animal Lover

John Fiske is a master divorce mediator.  He is a partner at the Massachusetts law firm of Healy, Fiske, Richmond & Matthew, LLP.  We discuss pets in divorce and considerations that need to be explored by the divorcing couple as well as the divorce professional when dealing with pets in divorce. You can find John at www.mediate.com/fiske/

Mark Bamberger – Civil Trail Attorney and Animal Advocate

Mark Bamberger is a brilliant attorney as well as a conservationist. Mark and I talk about the world of animal law and his experiences with divorcing couples and their animals.  He helps navigate these turbulent waters in the best for all concerned standard. You can reach Mark at www.bambergerlaw.com.  He would love for our listeners to support www.wolfcreekhabitat.org.

Kyle Silver  – Attorney and Humane Society Advisor and Volunteer

Kyle Silver is a partner at Shindler, Neff, Holmes, Schlageter & Mohler LLP.  She is also a brilliant Humane Society leader. She and I talk about how to apply ADR in rescue evaluation situations and humane society practices. We talk about how changes in the language we use, using ADR principles, can make all the difference in keeping people engaged and supportive of rescue groups,  shelters and humane societies.

Gary Pilcher – Attorney in Insurance and Humane Society Volunteer

Gary Pilcher is the insurance guru at Farmers Trust Company in Cleveland Ohio. Gary and I speak about how even sworn enemies can gain and appreciate another’s view when given the chance to listen and be heard.  ADR is discussed with a view toward improving the platform where alternate views can be explained and appreciated.  You can reach Gary for advice and information at pilcherg@farmerstrustco.com or 877-228-1643

Sonny Presnel – Veterinarian at TAM and End of Life Provider For Pets

Sonny Presnel  is the director of the Stevenson Center at Texas A& M, an end of live sanctuary for pets who outlive their owners.  Read all about it at http://vetmed.tamu.edu/news/pet-talk/a-perfect-companion-for-the-elderly. Sonny and I speak about the human and animal bond and what to do at end of life and assure continuity of care for our pets. You can reach Sonny at vetmed.tamu.edu/stevenson-center.

Ana Melara – Dog Trainer and Conflict Expert

Ana Melara is the owner and guiding force at Training with Grace.  (www.trainingwithgrace.com) in Lakewood Colorado.  She is a CPDT-KA and believes in praised based training of your pets. Ana and I speak about the different personalities of people, their pets and their approach to dog training. Ana and I explore how, by using ADR, she has addressed conflicts between people in training classes together or between trainer and student. Using ADR as a neutral platform from which to have this discussion allows everyone to speak and makes great sense in solution.  You can reach Ana at www.trainingwithgrace.com

Marty Greer – Veterinarian and Puppy Mill Rehabilitation Advocate

Dr. Marty Greer  is a Veterinarian and a Lawyer.  She is a reproduction specialist and animal advocate. Dr. Marty and I speak on the sensitive topic of addressing puppy mills peacefully to respectfully shift their paradigm which can lead to a shift that occurs long term.  Marty shows how respectfully working with puppy mills provides the people and pets with a better life.  You can reach Marty at www.smallanimalclinic.com/site/view/216074_DrMartyGreer.pml  or email her at vv[@]k9stork.com


The Ultimate Pet Resolution Summit II is available for just $97.99

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very special offer …

The Ultimate Pet Resolution Summit Series (all 18 sessions) can be purchased together for just $124.97

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